APRIL 1, 2023
Find the signs that guide you to hope, peace, and joy. How do you Find the Signs to guide You?
This is the beginning of a collection of stories and thoughts on Find the Signs that will Guide You to Hope, Peace, and Joy.
Dear Reader,
These are stories of women. Women have always followed the signs intuitively since time immemorial. It is the inner voice of the heart that notices and feels the signs that come to us at times when we need guidance, hope, courage. This is coming to me more clearly even as I begin writing these Blog posts.
My daughter recently was struggling with big, personal issues around family, home, and career, trying to once again, after a 4 year hiatus, devote herself to the career 24-7 that was her driving life for many years.
watching for signs that will guide you
She watches for signs of Angels, since this is what we do in our family; and her husband, quite by happenstance, after driving away, with their dear child, on a vacation without her (and after some tears), sent her love songs – and what was the song he accidentally sent her? It was about Angels. “Angel Energy”.
In the midst of the emotions swirling around, she knew they were being guided by the Angels on their journey and looks forward to seeing them before this Blog is published!
Later on, I sent my daughter a quote about the loss of the valued position of the woman in our culture over the past 4000 years, which is also a statement about women’s own loss of value for themselves.
“When Eve was in Adam, there was no death. When she was separated from him, death came. If she enters into him again and he embraces her, death will cease to be.” G of P, Nag Hammadi Scriptures.
Judith Orloff, a popular writer, psychiatrist and empath, writes in her book “The Power of Surrender”,
“Spirt is hidden but can be discovered through portals: the heart is one, nature is another…”see” nature as shamans do: with your heart, not with your ego…Humbly appreciating the sanctity of the earth helps you see with your heart. In this way, when we seek guidance in nature, when we are willing to surrender to other forms of knowing, nature responds by giving us messages, something we all can intuitively receive when we are open”.
find the signs that guide you to hope, peace, and joy.
These are signs that will lead you to Hope, Peace, and Joy. This is a womanly, feminine art; it is the bending, yielding, nurturing quality of Yin in the Yin/Yang figure. Even when Signs are discovered by a man, it comes from that Feminine Divine side of his nature. Moreso, it is primarily a function of Woman, and it is coming back into awareness more and more every day in this dawning, New Age. They are signs that the universe knows you, Beholds you; and when you notice these signs, you know you are Being Held.
You can find them everyday if you are watching and listening for them. Everyday. Today.
Finally, begin to write a little verse or haiku about something that speaks to you and you recognize it as a sign. Like:
March winds blow in cold,
cold just like the day before…
dry oak leaves complain
Haiku is easy to write and is of absolutely no more consequence than what is between yourself, your inner spirt and guide, and the Infinite All. More about that next time.
Finally, a note about my paintings above. The gentle forms of the herons are angelic, as is the entire figure of the Divine Wisdom, Sophia. Write me for details. Both available as of this writing.
Read my previous blog also to see where we started.
Start looking for your signs, write them down, write them to me. I’d love to read them.